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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Interested in Running to Lose Weight? Here Are Some Tips to Ensure Maximum Weight Loss!

Are you interested in running to lose weight? If you're looking into running to lose weight, you're definitely on the right track as running is one of the best ways to get that fat stripped off of your body. The only thing is, how best to get the fat off your body through exercise. There are a few tips I can give you that will help you get rid of the fat that much faster:

1. Try HIIT

If you're into running, you need to try High Intensity Interval Training. This is going to put running on steroids. Basically the concept is to sprint for a good 30 seconds, then jog for a minute and a half, then sprint again for 30 seconds and then to repeat this process as many times as possible. By doing this, you create an insane calorie burn, you can burn calories even after you've stopped exercising with this, so give it a shot.

2. Switch It Up

Another great tip for you if you're looking into running, try switching your exercise equipment to keep your weight loss constant. If all you use is a treadmill, your body will get used to it and you will hit a plateau. However, if you instead switch to another machine like an elliptical, you will throw your body for a loop and be able to continue to see big weight loss numbers.

So if you're into running to lose weight, be sure to try out those two tips, they really do work.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Training Workouts

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